Divorce Lawyer in Mirpur, Dhaka

  1. Advocate Sarmin Akther is an experienced divorce lawyer in Mirpur. She is also an experienced family lawyer who has worked on many child custody, dower, maintenance & child support cases. She supports with legal notices, bail, law suits, mediations, Arbitration, divorce filing, Special Marriage registration in Dhaka etc.
    Contact: 01707241611
  2. Advocate Md. Abir Ahmed is an experienced lawyer in Dhaka who can assist clients with a multitude of legal disputes including agreements, family suits, guardianships, child custody, Mulsim Talaq, Mutual Divore/Separations, Christian & Special Marriage Divorces etc.
    Contact: +8801714404060

Other lawyers:

Barrister Shajib Mahmood Alam, Advocate – Supreme Court of Bangladesh

Advocate Md. Rafinur Rahman


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